Discover fragrances you love without knowing it

When you want a new fragrance for yourself, there are so many possibilities that it can sometimes seem impossible. But in reality, you know the notes and olfactory families that you love and to which you always return. 

If you want to give a perfume as a gift, it's not an easy task either. It's a very personal gift that should reflect the personality of the person receiving it. In this case, the best thing to do is to take inspiration from a fragrance already worn by the person you're giving it to. 

Whether you're looking for a gift or for yourself, we can help you find the perfect fragrance. Discover the ScentBot, your online Fragrance Adviser, the one who knows everything about every fragrance.

Tell us which perfume you like and let ScentBot be your guide

Find your perfect fragrance

Are you looking for a new fragrance and want to stay with the same olfactory family or notes that you like? Would you like to choose it from the comfort of your own home?

The ScentBot is a virtual advisor who knows 15,000 fragrances. What's more, it's available whenever you need it, as many times as you like! 

How do you get started? Scroll down the page. Answer the question "Tell us your favourite fragrance". Then click on the magnifying glass at the far right of the window to see the result.

Good to know: The fragrances that are suggested first are the ones closest to the one you indicated.

The olfactory pyramid: a portrait of perfume

The structure of a perfume is represented by a pyramid. It brings together the fragrance's top, middle and base notes.

The top notes are the ones you perceive immediately after spraying; they are at the top of the pyramid. These notes are fleeting, lasting between 5 and 15 minutes.

The middle notes then develop. They give a fragrance its main character. They last for several hours.

The base notes form the base of the pyramid and the foundation of a fragrance. They are tenacious and can remain on an item of clothing for several weeks, sometimes months.